2014 April

Maria Martin y Judit Ruiz Onandi

III Edition Ripollesdansa 2014. Made With love.
Maria Martin y Judit Ruiz Onandi muestran: To be continued…
You can see Mary Martin and Judith R. Onandi.
The July 15, 2014 at 20pm
Plaza Sant Eudald Ripoll.

Maria Martin
Dance Training:

Studies: Clasica Dance Dance Aiko study of Santurce.
Dance Classical Studies realizados in Music and Dance Conservatory of San Sebastián. (1993-2002).
Continues its training in Contemporary Dance with Begoña in Bilbao Krego, Matxalen Bilbao Blanca Arrieta, among Others.
Learn in Cities like London, New York, Luxembourg …
Scholarship by the M.E.C. 2004, continues its training in Brussels (Belgium) with Iñaki Azpillaga (Last time Cia.) Joanne Leigthon (Cia. Velvet), Jason Vichy (Cia. Charleroi Danses) German Jauregui, Marielle Morales (Cia. Bad Grass) among Others.
Professional experience :
She works like a dancer with Mala Hierba Company (Brussels), La “Dinamika”(Bilbao) with ” Hariari shoots ” and ” Animaliak ” Cia . Matxalen Bilbao with ” Haiku ” Cia . ORGANIK Dance – Theatre with ” Malditas ” and the newly released in DFeria “In Corpore Sano ” . With Cia . Bego Krego in Itineris (Bad 2011) ” Subtract y Así ” . Collaboration in ” Bilbao Bilbao ” (2010) , Ester form ( Barcelona) , Among Other … part two occasions in addition to quality of dancer and choreographer in Choreographic Contest of Maspalomas (V and X edition ) and the Choreographic Contest of Madrid.

She creates with Bego Krego KREGO-MARTIN Company, this company born with the Child Dance Piece: ” Spacek Zarama ” at 2013, work funded by the Basque Government .

Judit Ruiz Onandi
In 2003 she moved to Brussels, where she lives nowadays. Since 2005 she mainly works as dancer and assistant choreographer for WArd-waRD, Ann Van den Broek. And since 2012, she also works as dancer for Jelena Kostic. In her movement vocabulary, theatricality and the use of performing states are very Present.



III Ripollesdansa 2014

One year and still continue! The best dance Microfestival Pyrenees it will succes again to move and shake. Ripollesdansa the streets this year, with proposals exits the oven, and new unpublished.
A combination of classes, labs and exhibits move and be moved by the town of Ripoll this summer.
In the morning we enjoy Workshop  by Boullosa Cristiane “Dance of spheres.” In the afternoon Laboratory Workshop facilitated by Matilde and Javier and EsterForment scanning the perfomance, where a joint trip that will close the last day the Senate Monastery, a tour through the village. Every evening enjoy free shows and everyone’s hand: Maria Martin and Judit R. Onandi; Matilde Javier Ciria; AngelF. MateoTrinidad G. Espinosa and Ester Forment. And at night, for the bravest continue dancing in the night jams.
From 14 to 20 July you can enjoy dance and enthusiasm Cradle of Catalonia: Ripoll.
Dance paint the streets of this ancient town and the fill light.

Gratitude to Jordi Serrano and his sidecar studio to perform visual identity this year.


III edició de Ripollesdansa 2014

Un any més seguim i continuem! El millor Microfestival de dansa dels Pirineus s’atreveix una vegada més a moure i commoure. Ripollesdansa surt al carrer aquest any, amb propostes sortides del forn, inèdites i noves.

Un combinat de classes, laboratoris, i exhibicions mouran i es mouran pel poble de Ripoll aquest estiu.

Del 14 al 20 de juliol es pot gaudir de dansa  i entusiasme al Bressol de Catalunya: Ripoll.

La dansa pintarà  els carrers d’aquest mil·lenari poble i l’omplirà de llum.